
Sky ServiceREF: N47 00 21 W65 27 25 1.6S 19°W(2012)  UTC-4(3) Elev 110′ A5003  LO8 HI6 CAP

OPR: Miramichi Aprt Comsn 506-778-1031/506-778-9189 Cert

PF: A-1 (ltd-hrs) C-2,3,4,5,6


FIC: Halifax 866-WXBRIEF or (French) 866-GOMETEO (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4106 (Toll free within Canada & USA). Flight Plans by Fax 902-873-6112 and include phone numbers where pilot can be reached prior to departure.

Wx: WxCam

SERVICES: Call out charge may be levied for one or more services

FUEL: 100LL JA-1

SERVICE: 1,2,4,5,6

SUP FL: D-ice PN

JASU: 10/15 PN

RWY DATA: Rwy 09(089°)/27(269°) 10006x 150 asphalt

TWY: Twy B avble daytime only. Twy B ltd win maint

RCR: Opr CRFI Ltd win maint, PN

LIGHTING: 09-AO (TE  ME) P2, 27-AO (TE  ME) P2 ARCAL-122.7 type K

COMM ATF: UNICOM (AU) ltd hrs O/T tfc 122.7  5NM 3100 ASL

COMM PAL: Moncton Ctr. 123.7

NAV NDB: F9 520 (L) N47 00 36 W65 28 03 Pvt

NAV DME: F9 110.9 Ch46 N47 00 34 W65 28 01 Pvt

PRO: Rgt hand circuits Rwy 09 (CAR 602.96). Do not overfly A/D during glider ops.

CAUTION: Glider operations on active runway and abandoned area N of rwy 09/27 weekends May-Jun & Sep-Nov, vehicle & acft launching. Ctc glider ops 122.7 during activity.